Monday, March 30, 2009

Mary Anne's Visit

Mary Anne came to visit Geoff and I in Oregon. Here is Mary Anne at the top of Skinner Butte overlooking Eugene.

20 Week shot. I am staring to really feel the baby move!

Ok-I realize not everyone wants to see this, but some have asked, here is my huge belly!
We took a trip to the Oregon Coast. Here is a picture at Devils Churn. The tide was really high this day.
Some sea lions tanning in the sun. The were super loud and very lazy.
Geoff and Mary Anne exploring the rocks at Hobbit Beach
Babies first trip to the ocean.
Us on the Pacific!

Geoff and Mary Anne on the hiking Trail
Our last stop before the airport, IKEA! It's a wonderful place.

Mary Anne's visit flew by. We had such a good time and I was sad to see it end. I miss having by best friend here, but having someone like her in the world still makes me a very lucky person. Thanks for coming, see you soon!

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