Sunday, March 1, 2009

16 Weeks!

Here are some pictures that Geoff took of me. Yup - those are maternity pants. I have one pair of regular jeans that still fits, everything else, not so much. At least they make cute low rise pants that go under your stomach, I am not wearing those big panel pants yet!

Side view
Thanks mom and Annette for all the recent packages of clothes - there is literally one maternity store here, and the clothes you guys have sent are way cuter.
On an exciting note...Mary Anne is coming!!!! Yep she booked a ticket and is coming to see Geoff and I in a few weeks. As you all know she is my best friend in the whole world, so i miss her very much. She will also be here for the ultrasound, so she gets to see what the alien is first hand. Can't wait! (I am also ready to really confirm my due date, which is done when they can see the size of the baby. I have told my doctor, this baby cannot be late, I have a big event in St. Louis to attend on September 12th!)

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