Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Larry!!!!

Today is Larry's 5th Birthday! I can't believe our first born is growing up. He still needs us to fix all his meals, unlock and open all the doors, and take him everywhere, but we don't mind:)

Here is a proud picture of him with his B-day gift, a new bone. He trotted around with it for an hour or so, then hid it until it was time to go to sleep.

Random picture of Geoff preparing dinner. He has become the stir fry master! Come for a visit and he will make you some for sure!

Me at 18 weeks. I am wearing a maternity tank. Now that I have taken the plunge into maternity clothes, I am so much more comfortable. Thanks Jen and Steph for the fashionable preggo shirts, I love them! It's great to have cute clothes, then I can forget that I am ballooning to twice my size!

Nothing else too exciting here. One week until we find out what the critter is!!!! Geoff and I are working on getting culture for the baby. We enjoyed the opera this weekend.

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