Sunday, March 22, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby

So I had this crazy idea to put the dresser in the closet. You see the dress is a part of a really nice set that I would like to see all together one day, but for now, it doesn't match my black nursery theme.

Larry thought hanging out in the closet was really cool for some reason.
We quickly discovered that the doors were going to have to come off for the dress to fit. No problem, Geoff had them off in seconds.

Dresser in the closet.
Doors back on! Project accomplished! (Now we just have to find new spaces for all the crap that was in the closet!!) Oh please note, the Jayhawks have struck! A cute little outfit from Grandma Bowers arrive this week. You can see it hanging next to the Tiger outfit in the closet.
Larry had another play date with Bailey. They played all night.

The big ultrasound is coming up on Wednesday!!!! I will post here as soon as I can so you can all know what the baby is. I still think boy, Geoff girl.

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