Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby Influences

The baby college competition is officially on! The Jayhawks struck first thanks to the Kuhl's, but the Tigers came back with a vengeance, thanks to the Sammet's.

Here is Geoff proudly posing with his baby Jayhawk book.

Here is me with full Tiger gear including the baby's first stuffed animal. (We are going to have to work with Larry a little to show him that all soft squishy things are not for him)

Here is just a few random pics with Larry and his puppy friend Baily. I put a bowl of water on the floor, but she insisted on using the big dog bowls.

Don't worry, they are just playing, there is a dog code that big dogs follow, he would never hurt a puppy. All the playing did take it out of him, Larry slept for 20 straight hours when Bailey left.

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