Monday, March 30, 2009

Mary Anne's Visit

Mary Anne came to visit Geoff and I in Oregon. Here is Mary Anne at the top of Skinner Butte overlooking Eugene.

20 Week shot. I am staring to really feel the baby move!

Ok-I realize not everyone wants to see this, but some have asked, here is my huge belly!
We took a trip to the Oregon Coast. Here is a picture at Devils Churn. The tide was really high this day.
Some sea lions tanning in the sun. The were super loud and very lazy.
Geoff and Mary Anne exploring the rocks at Hobbit Beach
Babies first trip to the ocean.
Us on the Pacific!

Geoff and Mary Anne on the hiking Trail
Our last stop before the airport, IKEA! It's a wonderful place.

Mary Anne's visit flew by. We had such a good time and I was sad to see it end. I miss having by best friend here, but having someone like her in the world still makes me a very lucky person. Thanks for coming, see you soon!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

It's a Girl!!!

Well we had the big ultrasound today and were not disappointed. Most importantly, we found out we were having a healthy baby. Oh yeah we also found out it was a she!!!! Mckinley doesn't have to worry about being the only girl in the family anymore. Here is a picture of Mary Anne with her baby gift! Isn't it great! Go cards!
To celebrate, Mary Anne and I hit the mall to check out all the cute girl stuff. We found an "I love Daddy" outfit for Geoff. Here he is posing with it, I don't know which one of us is more excited that it is a girl!
So cute - both outfits together.
I found some really cute onesies that were purple! Oh and Strawberry and cherry Pj's- how could you go wrong! I had to restrain myself from buying all the cute dresses and skirts for now, but that might change as my due date approaches. Everything else is good. She is a great size and appears to be in perfect health! My due date stays the same, mid August or so. We had a boy name all picked out, so now we have to come up with a girl one, oh well - I am very excited to do so! (We actually have narrowed it down to 5 or so already)

Thanks for every ones thoughts all day, you excitement made us feel as close to STL as we have in months. We will be cheering on the Tigers and the Xavier Musketeers tomorrow, then the chickenhawks on Friday. I hope they all advance!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby

So I had this crazy idea to put the dresser in the closet. You see the dress is a part of a really nice set that I would like to see all together one day, but for now, it doesn't match my black nursery theme.

Larry thought hanging out in the closet was really cool for some reason.
We quickly discovered that the doors were going to have to come off for the dress to fit. No problem, Geoff had them off in seconds.

Dresser in the closet.
Doors back on! Project accomplished! (Now we just have to find new spaces for all the crap that was in the closet!!) Oh please note, the Jayhawks have struck! A cute little outfit from Grandma Bowers arrive this week. You can see it hanging next to the Tiger outfit in the closet.
Larry had another play date with Bailey. They played all night.

The big ultrasound is coming up on Wednesday!!!! I will post here as soon as I can so you can all know what the baby is. I still think boy, Geoff girl.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Larry!!!!

Today is Larry's 5th Birthday! I can't believe our first born is growing up. He still needs us to fix all his meals, unlock and open all the doors, and take him everywhere, but we don't mind:)

Here is a proud picture of him with his B-day gift, a new bone. He trotted around with it for an hour or so, then hid it until it was time to go to sleep.

Random picture of Geoff preparing dinner. He has become the stir fry master! Come for a visit and he will make you some for sure!

Me at 18 weeks. I am wearing a maternity tank. Now that I have taken the plunge into maternity clothes, I am so much more comfortable. Thanks Jen and Steph for the fashionable preggo shirts, I love them! It's great to have cute clothes, then I can forget that I am ballooning to twice my size!

Nothing else too exciting here. One week until we find out what the critter is!!!! Geoff and I are working on getting culture for the baby. We enjoyed the opera this weekend.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

17 Weeks

I am 17 weeks, just about 2.5 weeks until Mary Anne is here and we get to see our first glace of the baby at the ultrasound. (Hopefully we get to find out the sex too, cross your fingers that the little guy, or girl cooperates) I am feeling good, still very tired at the end of the day, but no other complaints. Here is the latest picture taken by Geoff. (Don't worry I put a sweater on over the clear white shirt before going in public, but I wanted you all to be able to see the growing bump) The baby is now the size of a turnip or hockey puck.

So we decided to take our first step to get ready for baby - we made a trip to Portland to visit the baby superstore, Babies R Us. At first we were a little overwhelmed, but we slowly went though all the aisles checking out all the baby gear. We started a registry and even found a crib we both liked. (Yes it's black, I know a little weird, but I am not a fan of wood tones, and the walls at the apartment are white, so I think black will look nice) We had a great time and even went to my favorite restaurant Chevy's (Not in Eugene) before heading home. (Geoff is doing a great job of catering to his preggo wife's needs:) All the strollers, diaper bags, bottles, and car seats took it out of Geoff, so I drove some of the way home while he took a cat nap. Any advice you have as far as which bottles, strollers, diapers are the best etc, let us know, we are open to suggestions. I do have a book that is great, Baby Bargains, that rates all the nursery needs and helped us pick out lots of our stuff.

On a different note, Jackson's art work had been returned to us after being on "loan" by the Enterprise Rent-A-Car art gallery. (We have a wall at work where employees kids, nephews, etc can paint pictures and they are hung for all to see) Geoff and I are excited to have it on our walls, but i have to admit, i really enjoyed seeing it everyday at work so i could think about my favorite nephew. If you can't interpret baby art, this is clearly the work of a genius!

Random pic of Geoff and Larry having a morning pow wow:)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

16 Weeks!

Here are some pictures that Geoff took of me. Yup - those are maternity pants. I have one pair of regular jeans that still fits, everything else, not so much. At least they make cute low rise pants that go under your stomach, I am not wearing those big panel pants yet!

Side view
Thanks mom and Annette for all the recent packages of clothes - there is literally one maternity store here, and the clothes you guys have sent are way cuter.
On an exciting note...Mary Anne is coming!!!! Yep she booked a ticket and is coming to see Geoff and I in a few weeks. As you all know she is my best friend in the whole world, so i miss her very much. She will also be here for the ultrasound, so she gets to see what the alien is first hand. Can't wait! (I am also ready to really confirm my due date, which is done when they can see the size of the baby. I have told my doctor, this baby cannot be late, I have a big event in St. Louis to attend on September 12th!)