Saturday, May 30, 2009

Preggo Moment

Ok so no pictures to go with this post, just something that happened today that I swear only happened because of my current state.

So- we have been here a year and our Costco membership needs to be renewed. (They don't have Sam's otherwise we would shop there) Costco is crazy, I mean Crazy here on the weekends. We mostly just go for gas and soon diapers in bulk. (Sidebar- in Oregon you can't pump your own gas, so you have to wait in a 20 minute line at Costco every time you want to fill up - one more reason I love Missouri:) So I was out, I mean out of gas. I decided I would take my lunch break to fill up, renew our membership and grab some food. Well there are two things that I pretty much want all the time this pregnancy - pizza and ice cream. Well Costco has both at their snack bar. Perfect.

So I wait in the 20 minute line, fill up with 14 gallons, funny my car holds 13, but it was really low. (Like the little computer thing that tells me how many miles I can go until I am empty was literally beeping and flashing zero) So I pay the $40 on my debit card. One thing down. I go inside and wait at the customer service desk to renew my membership. Ok $50 more dollars on my debit card. Now last thing - yum soft serve and pizza. I go wait in line, order, and pulled out my debit card to pay. The lady looks at me like I am crazy and says, "Oh no, we don't take cards." What, I just paid about for two things at this very store with my debit card in the last 5 minutes and this lady is staring at me like I just pulled out gold pieces and try to pay with them!!!! I also know they take them in the check out lane, so I was very confused. I just stood there staring at her. (By the way, one major preggo side effect I have seriously had is the lack of memory -in this case it was just not able to comprehend what she was saying) I stood there silent for probably 20 seconds then was like ok, I will just take the pizza. (I have always been the type, just ask Geoff, to not deal with things very well when I am hungry. I am pretty laid back about most things, but if I get to a certain point of hunger, I am not fun - pregnant or not - by the way, did i mention I was starving at this point!) I had $2 cash, and no sales tax here, that is what a slice cost. I got my pizza and left Costco.

The whole way back to work, I was like, why did I choose the pizza. I don't even want it, I just didn't think that eating ice cream only for lunch was a good idea and at least pizza is considered a food item not dessert. I called Geoff to tell him about my experience. He had a new guy he was training with him in the car, so I am sure the guy was like who is the crazy lady calling you all upset about her ice cream. That is when I saw the golden arches, yes McDonald's!!! They will take my money in the form of a debit card. I go through the drive thru and order a mcflurry - delicious. The best part about this whole story and why I am even telling it is, I was literally eating my slice of pizza, and going through a fast food drive thru. I have never in my life been eating while waiting in line for another food item. I am sure the McDonald's crew saw my pizza when I pulled up to pay, I didn't try to hide it. Oh well - just one more thing that I can add to my preggo list of things that I never would have thought to experience until now:) (By the way, overall I am eating healthy - it was just Friday and I wanted something besides my normal lean cuisine and and apple for lunch)

I got my Mcflurry and happily returned to work. I am glad the weekend is here!


  1. Is it bad that stuff like that happens to people when they're NOT prego? Hypothetically speaking of course. COME HOME!
