Sunday, May 17, 2009

27 weeks

Here I am with my big belly. It was gorgeous here this weekend - 80 degrees both days! (no humidity!)

The babies room is just starting to come together. I figured I would take a picture so you can see the step by step process. After lots of debates, we have decided to keep the double bed in the room for now. (We hope to have visitors this summer) The room is not huge, but it works for now. I think we have narrowed down the bedding selections to 3 choices, Monkeys (green and tan), butterflys (Purple and pink), or ladybugs (Pink, red, and black). I am hoping to make the decision soon, I think it will really help pull the room together. Also we are closing in on a name, which will go on the wall over her crib.

The baby got a new bookshelf/storage thing. One of the projects I worked on while Geoff was away in Montana. She has lots of stuff already, so I figured might as well organize it. As for our first born...
He participated with Geoff in a 5k run for Bark in the Park (I walked the 2k with some co-workers) benefiting the local humane society(Larry is from the Humane society in STL, so we are big supporters of it). The event was not as big as St. Louis' annual one, but still really fun. I forgot my camera, but this is Larry when we got home, he was beat!
On a side note. So Eugene is affectionately refereed to as "Tracktown USA" basically running is a big deal here. Well I thought it was about time to check out a track meet. I went with my friend Andrea. It was great. So many events going on all at once. We also happen to be there on a special night where a relay team from the University of Oregon was going to attempt to break the 4 by 1 mile relay collegiate record. It was very exciting to watch!

Here is the final baton pass! They let spectators down on the track to give the runners some extra encouragement. I stayed in the stands because I already had a great view.
Here he is crossing the finish line. The old record was 16:08, so they shaved off 5 seconds. Pretty cool!
The relay team doing a victory lap.

All is well otherwise. I had a slight scare on Friday - pretty much I was in a lot of pain - Dr. Geoff fed me water. It worked, so I guess it was dehydration. I go to the doc on Tuesday, so we will tell her all about it and how to avoid that from happening again:)

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