Thursday, May 28, 2009

28 Weeks - 3rd Trimester!

I have hit it - my last trimester!!! We are 2/3 through this whole process. I think the exciting stuff is just about to start!

Front view - yes my arms, just arms, are burnt - awesome. (preggo skin burns for all of you that didn't believe the books that you read - even if you normally don't burn, I am proof that you can)

Side view - I am just starting to get asked by strangers when I am due. (Funny b/c I think I have been huge for awhile now)
Here is where I got my lovely burn. Geoff and I were in the mood for some baseball. Well Eugene doesn't have a pro baseball team, or any pro teams at all, so we went to the University of Oregon's version of a baseball team. It is their first year, so they don't look quite like the Cards. We had fun any how.
So I had a dream that the baby came and we didn't have anywhere for her to sleep. I panicked, woke up Geoff and told him all about it. The next day I went and bought the mattress and bedding. I washed it all and Geoff helped me put it all on - whew - now I feel a little better. Baby stay inside, we are not ready for you yet.
I went with the purple butterfly's - they just spoke to me for some reason. Plus they match perfectly to the beautiful wedding quilt that we have on the extra bed in the room.
Here is Geoff's new pride and joy - the stroller. When we were registering, he took this part very seriously. He tried them all out, pushed them around, and we picked out this one. We love it! Here is Geoff figuring out how we can shield the baby from weird people when we are out it public.
Another view. We have pushed it around the apartment and even joked about taking it with us on a walk, but we have decided to wait until it has an occupant to do that.

Miss you all!!! Oh very exciting news! The Kuhl clan is coming to Oregon for a visit! They will be here in a few weeks! I can't wait.

Happy B-day Mckinley! I can't belive you are already 2!

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