Wednesday, June 3, 2009

29 weeks and baby classes

Here I am with Larry's tail. My belly is growing. I am up to appointments every two weeks now. I went yesterday and only gained one pound this time between appointments, I guess that makes up the 6 from last time:)

Geoff and I started classes in the past two weeks. So far we have been to newborn baby care and breastfeeding. We also just attended part one of three of child birth classes. We have really enjoyed them so far and are learning lots of important things. Last educational thing to do is the hospital tour - we have that on the 20th. I have a list of questions, the most important to me is if they have room service 24 hours a day. I have heard that they don't let you eat anything when in labor and it can last 24 hours, so I am eager to find out if I will get to eat or have to wait for the next meal time after the little princess makes her arrival. (Yes food is very important to me these days) I have been driving Geoff crazy with these kind of questions, and he told me to rest assured, if there is no food, he will drive and get me anything I could dream of if needed:)

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