Friday, October 2, 2009

8 weeks!

Lanie is 8 weeks old today! She is already so different from the day she was born. She now watches things with her eyes and smiles - which will melt your heart. 8 Weeks old also means time for the 2 month check-up and first round of shots! Lanie was a little crabby afterward, but overall did great. She also got weighed and measured. She is now 10lbs (41 percentile) and 23 inches (91 percentile) So it looks like if this continues, she will be taller than me by middle school. awesome.
Here are some shots that Kim took while she was here for a visit. We had such a great week, we were sad to see her leave:( Thanks for all the great dinners and baby holding time, I got so much done that I needed to!

Family shot!
Lanie with Kim in the Moby wrap. We took her to Saturday market like this. She slept the whole time, but I still think she was enjoying seeing all the hippies through her eyelids.

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