Sunday, October 25, 2009

Figuring it out

I am officially back to work! I am working a reduced schedule right now, but before too long I will be back full-time. Geoff and I have been figuring out how to get the baby up and ready, Larry walked, and make ourselves work presentable each day. So far its gone pretty well. (It takes me about 3 hours from the time I get up until I pull into work)Lanie in her crib waiting to be played with. She is her most smiley right when she wakes up in the morning. She is still a great sleeper. Most nights she sleeps all the way through. Napping during the day is another story.
"Riding on the magic carpet" is what Geoff calls this. He flies her around the house in her bumbo seat which keeps her very happy.
Lanie and I on her first wagon ride. I had a work event at the pumpkin patch. I got to show her off - she was a hit.

Lanie and Larry - best friends forever. She plays on her mat, and he eats his chewing next to her. (Don't worry, we don't leave them alone together ever)
Larry loves anything that is Lanie's. He is hiding his bone in her boppie here.

Everything else is going good. We are having a blast with her each day. She is all smiles and we are still waiting on her first giggle!! Thanks for all the anniversary wishes! We had a great day! Funny if you would have told me that I would live in Oregon and have a baby 2 years ago, I would have laughed in your face. Oh well, we are happier as ever, so that's all that counts! (No family we are not staying in OR forever, just trying to enjoy it as much as possible since we are here)

1 comment:

  1. We know you two always try to make the best of everything. That is why you are so happy:)
