Wednesday, July 29, 2009

37 weeks and its HOT!

Ok - So I used to make fun of the Oregonians that always say "It's so Hot" when it really wasn't. (I was proud of my Midwest roots always thinking, if you don't know what heat index, or humidity is, then you don't know hot - I take back all that I have ever said to a hot Oregonian) Well today it was hot - 106 degrees to be exact. Yep and that is living without air condition and being 9.5 months pregnant. I feel like I am literally going to melt away. It is hard to do anything but just sit in front of a fan at this point. Tomorrow is supposed to be even hotter, then it is supposed to gradually cool back down to the upper 80's over the next week.
Ok well some good things have happened this week. My work had a surprise shower for me! It was actually a joint one with another manager that is due within a few days from me. It was great. They did a good job and were very generous with their gifts. Here is the diaper cake they made and a cute Enterprise onesie. They even invited Geoff to come join in the fun.
Here is the ear hat. Geoff has wanted to buy one of these forever. Well I came home the other day and he had gone and found one. It will look so cute on our little girl.
He also bought her a B-day present for the day she is born. I have no idea what it is, but I am sure it is something special that she will appreciate down the road as her first b-day present from her father.

That is all to report. Annette flys in tomorrow! I had all these things that she was going to help with like preparing and freezing meals and washing clothes, but it might just be too hot for that! Oh we also just booked our flight for the Kim/Collin wedding spectacular taking place on September 12!!! I am staying a week, Geoff has to get back for work. This will give me an opportunity to show off the princess. Thanks Dad and Annette for the Southwest voucher - it saved us a bundle!


  1. I would like to offer you some encourage on your making fun of hot Oregonians. 106 degrees is hot no matter where you go. If that's what they were complaining about then they have a right to complain, however if the complaint was in reference to an 85 degree day with no humidity your I feel that your scorn was well placed.

    Regardless - you try to stay cool and take care of yourself and your baby girl.

  2. We are trying to patiently wait for our "bonnie" g-girl to be born. We will just have to settle for web-cam and Sept. 9th to get here to see her in person. We love you.
