Wednesday, July 22, 2009

36.5 Weeks

Sorry for the delay in posting, I have been super tired the past few weeks and am pretty much on the couch once I get home from work. Do you see our purple wall!!!!! Thanks Sara and Travis!!! They surprised Geoff and I by purchasing and accent wall in our nursery. Geoff and I picked the color and it was painted this week!!! We love it! Here is Geoff hanging up the letter's for our little girl's name. He was very methodical using the laser level and tape measure - it looks great! (I took lots of pictures, but you can't see them yet)
Here is her changing station. I made some little butterfly pictures for her. I hope she likes them. Oh you can also barley see, but we hung up black and white polk-a-dot curtains that my mom made, they pull the room all together. I will take some pictures and post them soon. We have been busy getting everything ready this week!
Larry has found a new hiding spot - under the crib. I wonder if he will spend much time down there once there is a crying baby above him???
Here I am! Yep big as a house. I am going to the doctor every week now. I went on Monday and was already at 3cm!!! The doctor said that is good, and if I keep up at this rate, I will not have to worry about going past my due date:) The baby is measuring a little small still, so I am going to take it easy so she will cook as long as possible.
Front view. Yes the picture frame behind be is blank - I am trying to figure out what to put in it. I was thinking of some Larry pictures, but we will see.

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