Monday, July 13, 2009

35 weeks!

5 more weeks to go! I am officially grounded in Eugene (or within 1 hour of the hospital) starting next week, so we took one last trip to the beach with our babies. (baby Larry and baby princess)Geoff and Larry ran around while I found a nice spot to lay a picnic blanket:)

We tried to get all of us, but Geoff and I are all that fit.

I am trying to get Larry to smile for the camera, but he is too excited in the freezing cold water.

Just lounging around after a jog. You can see his bald spot, he is really embarrassed by it. Geoff took him to get checked out and the vet said it is just seasonal balding that is common with boxers. We still think he is perfect!

My two favorite men!

Here is Larry riding in the SUV. He is so good, we don't even have to put a gate up. He just stays in the back. We are really happy with our new family SUV and look forward to many trips with our two babies in it.

I go to the doctor tomorrow. They are going to check the position of the baby and see if she is head down. (I sure hope so!) Other than that just getting ready. Our wall gets painted next week! We tried to pack our hospital bag this weekend, but there were too many things that I was not ready to put in a bag yet, so I guess we will try again in a few weeks. Good news! We have some visitors coming! Geoff's mom and my stepmom are coming to Oregon in a few weeks! We can't wait for visitors, especially grandma visitors, they like to make sure you are prepared!

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