Sunday, June 28, 2009

33 weeks

Here are some pictures I took myself:) Geoff is in MO currently trying to stay out of trouble while making sure Collin has a memorable bach party weekend. So far is sounds like they are behaving and having a good time. (Just as you would expect from the Bowers' men)
Warning bare belly!
Larry is peaking in to see what on earth I am doing.

I am doing fine. Really, really tired! Just like at the beginning. My routine consists of going to work, maybe doing something like cooking or walking the dog, then I am planted on the couch! There are so many things I need to do- finish the nursery, pack my bag, daily chores- oh well they will all get done somehow. (Geoff will be home soon, so he will have a long list)

Other that that not much to report. The baby girl is kicking me all them time. She seems to be really active in the afternoon and late evening. I have an appointment this week and after that I move to weekly check-ups! It's a sign that she will be here soon and boy am I ready! (7 weeks more to go!)

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