Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30 Weeks!

The glider is here and ready!

The last piece of furniture needed to complete the nursery has arrived! Geoff and Larry took some time to assemble the new glider. They had it together in minutes and moved into place.
It looks great and makes the room look complete. Good thing because nothing else is going to fit in that room:) I am working on some final touches and will take new pictures soon.

Nothing else to report this week. I hit 30 weeks. More scary, just 10 weeks more until our lives change forever!!! Geoff and I have been busy with work and getting ready for the Kuhl's to arrive in Oregon. I promise, my next post will have some fun new stories.

Happy belated 4th birthday to Jackson last Saturday!!! (Coincidentally also my 6 year anniversary with Enterprise - I am getting old) We can't wait to see you guys. Funny story - Jackson told Nonnie he is worried about his visit to Uncle Geoff and Aunt Allison's because they probably don't have any toys to play with:) Geoff thinks we can talk Larry into sharing some of his.

1 comment:

  1. Oh don't worry he plans to bring a few of his own. Tell Larry he's off the hook.
