Monday, February 2, 2009

11-12 weeks

Nothing new to report this week baby wise. We did however have a busy week full of Geoff's b-day and the Trailblazers game in Portland. Geoff loved all his gifts and we celebrated the day by going to dinner and his favorite cake. On Saturday we made the trip to Portland. We walked around and the city and met up with some friends for dinner before the game. It was my first NBA game and it was so much fun! They even had cheerleaders that I enjoyed watching! No belly shots, nothing has really changed there, but here are some pics from our weekend and superbowl.


  1. looks like fun. Did Geoff see any old Jayhawks? Miss you both-love sara

  2. Happy Birthday Geoff! Hope you liked all your gifts. I took a chance with the red shirt, but I know Al would like the color. So glad there is a blog now to read. It really does help make it feel like you are not so far away. Love you both.
