Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas 2009

Merry Christmas from the Bowers!
Larry even got a toy from his friend Rosie:) He also got an un-stuffed skunk from Dad and Annette.
Lanie got so much stuff she didn't know what to play with first.

Lanie was worn out by the time the day was over. (here is her adorable outfit that miss patty got her) I hope everyone had a great day!

Bye Bye Oregon!

Most of you know, but for those of you who don't...We are moving back to STL!!!

I got promoted last week to HR Supervisor over the STL Contact Center! (I am currently the Recruiting Supervisor for the Eugene Center) It is a huge accomplishment for me and a job that I have had as my goal for sometime now. I start my new position soon...very soon- January 11th. We are excited to get back, but equally sad to end our Oregonian adventure. We have made some lifelong friends here and will miss them a lot. We leave with great memories and with one more Bowers than we came with - sweet Lanie Belle.

Bye bye sweet mountains, we will miss seeing you.

Just some pictures

Here are just a few pictures of the family. Lanie is getting bigger everyday and I am so excited you will get to see her grow soon enough.

Geoff getting ready to hit the slopes at Sunriver!

Bear tracks outside our condo in Sunriver!!!

Hanging out watching sports.
Pretty Girl.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy 60th Dad!!! Larry and Lanie can't wait to see you soon! Have a great day. Love the Bowers.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy B-day. We hope you have a great day and can't wait to see you in a few short weeks!

Picture to come soon, in the meantime, here is a picutre of Belleie

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Bithday Sara!

Happy Birthday to the best big sister and Auntie anyone could ask for. We miss you tons!

We hope you have a great day!

Monday, December 7, 2009

4 Months

Somebody is 4 months old today! Larry and Lanie celebrated with a little rice cereal. Lanie went for her four month check up and is still a rockstar baby. She is up to 12lbs 4oz!

Lanie loves her changing table. She does a running man in place and smiles at all her animals.

We got some visitors this past weekend. Here is Lanie with her Grandma and Grandpa Bowers. They spoiled her rotten and we all had a great visit - short but great.

While they were here, Lanie tried some rice cereal. I think most of it stayed on her face, but she did pretty well.

Ok by request - Jen - here are some flip videos!

Tiny Dancer and baby jogger (she is a naked baby in one and will hate me one day for posting this, but it is just so cute.)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Tree Hunting

We decided to be true Oregonians this year and get a real tree. (My prelite tree circa 5 years ago doesn't light up in the middle and is pretty ugly, so it needs to be retired anyway) Well we headed off to the Christmas Tree farm. Yes they have those here.
The family pic with the tree we choose. Even Larry got to come along and help us pick out the perfect tree.
Geoff cutting it down. Our friends Ben and Megan were actually the ones who came up with this cutting down your own tree idea. Helping Geoff in the picture is Ben and his hound, Dixie.

Geoff with the Kill! Our little tree is perfect! I will post some decorated pictures of it soon.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Somebody is getting BIG!

Who me getting big? Why yes Lanie is growing like crazy, but she isn't the only one. Geoff took our other child, Larry dog, to the vet for his annual check up. He weighed in at a whopping 101 pounds! Needless to say, Larry is now on a diet. (He was 85lbs last year)

Here is the beast working off some pounds at the dog park.
Lanie all ready for a day of fun, and a walk.
In her stroller with her little hat.
Here is Lanie at our Thanksgiving celebration with friends. She is wearing her Seattle Seahawks cheerleading uniform thanks to Great Aunt and Uncle Dallas and Mike. She looked so cute!
Lanie eating her blanket. she is now grabbing things and holding things. We go to the doctor this week for her 4 month shots and check up. I am guessing she will weigh in around 12lbs! Larry will also go back for a weigh in soon.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Happy B-day Auntie Steph!

The Bowers clan wishes you a very Happy Birthday!It's you day and we hope you party like a rock star!

We miss you and can't wait to see you in chi-town.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 months

Lanie is officially 3 months old! She is doing great and getting so big! I don't have any news to report, but I know you guys like pictures, so here you go. Above is Lanie saying hello:)Geoff and Lanie flying around.

He makes her look so tiny.
Larry and Lanie - BFFs
Me and my girl.

We are just gearing up for Thanksgiving. It has just started getting cooler here and the rainy season has kicked in. In a few weeks it will be time for her 4 month shots and a weigh in - she is getting so big! Lanie loves daycare, she pretty much eats, sleeps, and smiles all day. Ms. Patty sends me pictures all day so I can see what she is up to, I will post some of those soon.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here is our little mermaid sitting with her pumpkins.
Me and Lanie on the deck.
Geoff and Lanie - you can see her tail the best here.

Just a cute picture of Lanie hanging out. We have a party tonight and we will see if we can get some better pictures of our mermaid. Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Flip

We got a Flip from my mom for our anniversary. I am just figuring it out, I promise my videos will get better. Here is one I shot yesterday.

Figuring it out

I am officially back to work! I am working a reduced schedule right now, but before too long I will be back full-time. Geoff and I have been figuring out how to get the baby up and ready, Larry walked, and make ourselves work presentable each day. So far its gone pretty well. (It takes me about 3 hours from the time I get up until I pull into work)Lanie in her crib waiting to be played with. She is her most smiley right when she wakes up in the morning. She is still a great sleeper. Most nights she sleeps all the way through. Napping during the day is another story.
"Riding on the magic carpet" is what Geoff calls this. He flies her around the house in her bumbo seat which keeps her very happy.
Lanie and I on her first wagon ride. I had a work event at the pumpkin patch. I got to show her off - she was a hit.

Lanie and Larry - best friends forever. She plays on her mat, and he eats his chewing next to her. (Don't worry, we don't leave them alone together ever)
Larry loves anything that is Lanie's. He is hiding his bone in her boppie here.

Everything else is going good. We are having a blast with her each day. She is all smiles and we are still waiting on her first giggle!! Thanks for all the anniversary wishes! We had a great day! Funny if you would have told me that I would live in Oregon and have a baby 2 years ago, I would have laughed in your face. Oh well, we are happier as ever, so that's all that counts! (No family we are not staying in OR forever, just trying to enjoy it as much as possible since we are here)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last week of fun:(

Well, this is it, the last week of my leave, I go back to work on Monday. I have had such a great time hanging out all day with my daughter and dog. Oh well, I knew my time at home was going to end. (by the way, being a stay at home mom is hard work!)

Here are some pictures I took this past week. The order is all wrong, but I am having issues with arranging them right now.

Lanie in her Bumbo seat! She has such a strong neck.
Tummy time!
Here is Lanie modeling just one of her new headbands sew by great auntie Beff. (Kim's cousin from the east coast so I don't know how the technical term for her relation, so great auntie it will be) I have been searching for wide headbands for Lanie. I kept seeing these crochet ones but could not find them anywhere. Well Kim called Beff, a master crocheter, and a week later Lanie is the owner of tons of great headbands! They are so cute.
Lanie sleeping with her sock monkey shirt on.
Geoff and Lanie at the pumpkin patch. Geoff was very excited to finally "Wear his baby."
A picture we took of ourselves in the pumpkin field. We picked out a perfect 7 lb pumpkin to carve for Lanie this year.
Lanie sleeping with another cute headband
She is so close to laughing, I know she will any minute. Right now, a lot of smiles.

That is all here for now. Everything is going great otherwise. Our little girl is getting girlier by the day, a new cheerleading outfit (Seahawks - from Great Aunt Dallas and Great Uncle Mike) just arrived. I can't wait to put her in it!