Monday, December 7, 2009

4 Months

Somebody is 4 months old today! Larry and Lanie celebrated with a little rice cereal. Lanie went for her four month check up and is still a rockstar baby. She is up to 12lbs 4oz!

Lanie loves her changing table. She does a running man in place and smiles at all her animals.

We got some visitors this past weekend. Here is Lanie with her Grandma and Grandpa Bowers. They spoiled her rotten and we all had a great visit - short but great.

While they were here, Lanie tried some rice cereal. I think most of it stayed on her face, but she did pretty well.

Ok by request - Jen - here are some flip videos!

Tiny Dancer and baby jogger (she is a naked baby in one and will hate me one day for posting this, but it is just so cute.)

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