Saturday, November 28, 2009

Somebody is getting BIG!

Who me getting big? Why yes Lanie is growing like crazy, but she isn't the only one. Geoff took our other child, Larry dog, to the vet for his annual check up. He weighed in at a whopping 101 pounds! Needless to say, Larry is now on a diet. (He was 85lbs last year)

Here is the beast working off some pounds at the dog park.
Lanie all ready for a day of fun, and a walk.
In her stroller with her little hat.
Here is Lanie at our Thanksgiving celebration with friends. She is wearing her Seattle Seahawks cheerleading uniform thanks to Great Aunt and Uncle Dallas and Mike. She looked so cute!
Lanie eating her blanket. she is now grabbing things and holding things. We go to the doctor this week for her 4 month shots and check up. I am guessing she will weigh in around 12lbs! Larry will also go back for a weigh in soon.

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