Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Here is our little mermaid sitting with her pumpkins.
Me and Lanie on the deck.
Geoff and Lanie - you can see her tail the best here.

Just a cute picture of Lanie hanging out. We have a party tonight and we will see if we can get some better pictures of our mermaid. Happy Halloween.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

New Flip

We got a Flip from my mom for our anniversary. I am just figuring it out, I promise my videos will get better. Here is one I shot yesterday.

Figuring it out

I am officially back to work! I am working a reduced schedule right now, but before too long I will be back full-time. Geoff and I have been figuring out how to get the baby up and ready, Larry walked, and make ourselves work presentable each day. So far its gone pretty well. (It takes me about 3 hours from the time I get up until I pull into work)Lanie in her crib waiting to be played with. She is her most smiley right when she wakes up in the morning. She is still a great sleeper. Most nights she sleeps all the way through. Napping during the day is another story.
"Riding on the magic carpet" is what Geoff calls this. He flies her around the house in her bumbo seat which keeps her very happy.
Lanie and I on her first wagon ride. I had a work event at the pumpkin patch. I got to show her off - she was a hit.

Lanie and Larry - best friends forever. She plays on her mat, and he eats his chewing next to her. (Don't worry, we don't leave them alone together ever)
Larry loves anything that is Lanie's. He is hiding his bone in her boppie here.

Everything else is going good. We are having a blast with her each day. She is all smiles and we are still waiting on her first giggle!! Thanks for all the anniversary wishes! We had a great day! Funny if you would have told me that I would live in Oregon and have a baby 2 years ago, I would have laughed in your face. Oh well, we are happier as ever, so that's all that counts! (No family we are not staying in OR forever, just trying to enjoy it as much as possible since we are here)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Last week of fun:(

Well, this is it, the last week of my leave, I go back to work on Monday. I have had such a great time hanging out all day with my daughter and dog. Oh well, I knew my time at home was going to end. (by the way, being a stay at home mom is hard work!)

Here are some pictures I took this past week. The order is all wrong, but I am having issues with arranging them right now.

Lanie in her Bumbo seat! She has such a strong neck.
Tummy time!
Here is Lanie modeling just one of her new headbands sew by great auntie Beff. (Kim's cousin from the east coast so I don't know how the technical term for her relation, so great auntie it will be) I have been searching for wide headbands for Lanie. I kept seeing these crochet ones but could not find them anywhere. Well Kim called Beff, a master crocheter, and a week later Lanie is the owner of tons of great headbands! They are so cute.
Lanie sleeping with her sock monkey shirt on.
Geoff and Lanie at the pumpkin patch. Geoff was very excited to finally "Wear his baby."
A picture we took of ourselves in the pumpkin field. We picked out a perfect 7 lb pumpkin to carve for Lanie this year.
Lanie sleeping with another cute headband
She is so close to laughing, I know she will any minute. Right now, a lot of smiles.

That is all here for now. Everything is going great otherwise. Our little girl is getting girlier by the day, a new cheerleading outfit (Seahawks - from Great Aunt Dallas and Great Uncle Mike) just arrived. I can't wait to put her in it!

Friday, October 2, 2009

8 weeks!

Lanie is 8 weeks old today! She is already so different from the day she was born. She now watches things with her eyes and smiles - which will melt your heart. 8 Weeks old also means time for the 2 month check-up and first round of shots! Lanie was a little crabby afterward, but overall did great. She also got weighed and measured. She is now 10lbs (41 percentile) and 23 inches (91 percentile) So it looks like if this continues, she will be taller than me by middle school. awesome.
Here are some shots that Kim took while she was here for a visit. We had such a great week, we were sad to see her leave:( Thanks for all the great dinners and baby holding time, I got so much done that I needed to!

Family shot!
Lanie with Kim in the Moby wrap. We took her to Saturday market like this. She slept the whole time, but I still think she was enjoying seeing all the hippies through her eyelids.