Sunday, June 28, 2009

33 weeks

Here are some pictures I took myself:) Geoff is in MO currently trying to stay out of trouble while making sure Collin has a memorable bach party weekend. So far is sounds like they are behaving and having a good time. (Just as you would expect from the Bowers' men)
Warning bare belly!
Larry is peaking in to see what on earth I am doing.

I am doing fine. Really, really tired! Just like at the beginning. My routine consists of going to work, maybe doing something like cooking or walking the dog, then I am planted on the couch! There are so many things I need to do- finish the nursery, pack my bag, daily chores- oh well they will all get done somehow. (Geoff will be home soon, so he will have a long list)

Other that that not much to report. The baby girl is kicking me all them time. She seems to be really active in the afternoon and late evening. I have an appointment this week and after that I move to weekly check-ups! It's a sign that she will be here soon and boy am I ready! (7 weeks more to go!)

Sunday, June 21, 2009

32 Weeks

I just hit my 8th month of pregnancy! We have 8 more weeks to go and I can't wait! She is starting to fill up all the space I have in my stomach. Crazy thing is, she still has a ways to grow! (She is right under 4lbs now)

Geoff and I have finished all our parenting/baby classes and took our hospital tour. We also think we found a doctor for the little one. We have to now focus on daycare, finishing up the nursery, and packing the bag for the hospital. (These are our July projects)

I am still feeling pretty good. I am slowly realizing I can't do all the things I could before. Geoff is going to STL for a visit, so baby, Larry, and I will be taking it easy next week so Geoff can have a fun filled uninterrupted trip:)

Our Kuhl Visitors

The Kuhl's came out to Oregon for a visit!

We went to a discovery house and played with bubbles.
Sat on a huge rocking chair

Saw a waterfall

Hung out in Portland

Saw the Oregon Coast and played on the beach

Fed some ducks

And visited places to get "Stamps" in their National Park Books.

We had so much fun having them here! Geoff and I got a good dose of life with children over the 5 days:) We decided it was pretty Kuhl!

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all the dad's out there!


Happy Father's day to Geoff - soon to be the newest member of the dad team.Larry wanted us to also recognize his father on this day.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

30 Weeks!

The glider is here and ready!

The last piece of furniture needed to complete the nursery has arrived! Geoff and Larry took some time to assemble the new glider. They had it together in minutes and moved into place.
It looks great and makes the room look complete. Good thing because nothing else is going to fit in that room:) I am working on some final touches and will take new pictures soon.

Nothing else to report this week. I hit 30 weeks. More scary, just 10 weeks more until our lives change forever!!! Geoff and I have been busy with work and getting ready for the Kuhl's to arrive in Oregon. I promise, my next post will have some fun new stories.

Happy belated 4th birthday to Jackson last Saturday!!! (Coincidentally also my 6 year anniversary with Enterprise - I am getting old) We can't wait to see you guys. Funny story - Jackson told Nonnie he is worried about his visit to Uncle Geoff and Aunt Allison's because they probably don't have any toys to play with:) Geoff thinks we can talk Larry into sharing some of his.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

29 weeks and baby classes

Here I am with Larry's tail. My belly is growing. I am up to appointments every two weeks now. I went yesterday and only gained one pound this time between appointments, I guess that makes up the 6 from last time:)

Geoff and I started classes in the past two weeks. So far we have been to newborn baby care and breastfeeding. We also just attended part one of three of child birth classes. We have really enjoyed them so far and are learning lots of important things. Last educational thing to do is the hospital tour - we have that on the 20th. I have a list of questions, the most important to me is if they have room service 24 hours a day. I have heard that they don't let you eat anything when in labor and it can last 24 hours, so I am eager to find out if I will get to eat or have to wait for the next meal time after the little princess makes her arrival. (Yes food is very important to me these days) I have been driving Geoff crazy with these kind of questions, and he told me to rest assured, if there is no food, he will drive and get me anything I could dream of if needed:)