Monday, February 23, 2009

Baby Influences

The baby college competition is officially on! The Jayhawks struck first thanks to the Kuhl's, but the Tigers came back with a vengeance, thanks to the Sammet's.

Here is Geoff proudly posing with his baby Jayhawk book.

Here is me with full Tiger gear including the baby's first stuffed animal. (We are going to have to work with Larry a little to show him that all soft squishy things are not for him)

Here is just a few random pics with Larry and his puppy friend Baily. I put a bowl of water on the floor, but she insisted on using the big dog bowls.

Don't worry, they are just playing, there is a dog code that big dogs follow, he would never hurt a puppy. All the playing did take it out of him, Larry slept for 20 straight hours when Bailey left.

15 weeks

I am coming home! No not permanently yet, but for a visit! There was a cheap deal on Travelocity, so I booked it. I hope some of you will be around, but at this point I would be happy just seeing the Arch. So I will be home April 28-May 6th! This will be a solo trip, Geoff is staying back to watch Larry and work, but he will be making his own trip home a little later for Collin’s bach party, so you will get to see him soon too. ( I am pushing for before July, I am grounding him to Eugene anytime within 6 weeks of my due date)

Baby update! We went to the doctor today. I am 15 weeks 2 days! Just a million more weeks to go. (This is good, because besides doing lots of reading, we have not begun to prepare for baby’s arrival. Decorating is not my thing, so if anyone wants to visit and design and nursery, the invitation is out there…) We heard the baby’s heartbeat – it was 150 bpm. The doctor said that is perfect. They took some blood and we were on our way. (Quad screening – cross your fingers everything in normal) This appointment wasn’t so exciting, but we did get to set up the big one – the ultrasound! We will go back on March 25th to find out what the alien is – I can’t wait! Geoff is warming up to the idea of finding out what it is before its born, and then we can start focusing on some names. (I think it’s a boy, and yes the name we pick might be a little weird; I prefer to call it uncommon, but you might have to wait until it’s born to find out the name, we have to have one secret! We also don’t have any names picked out anyway yet) Also one more plug to get some visitors out to Oregon. They let me have 2 people in the room when we find out what it is, since Larry is not allowed, it will just be Geoff and I, which leave space for one more person– ok I will leave everyone alone now.

My bump size is still the same. Some clothes fit, some don’t. I will put some pictures up on the blog this week. I have gained a total of 5 pounds. Oh for Stephanie and others that are interested– The baby is now the size of an apple. The legs are growing longer than its arms now, and she can move all of her joints and limbs. Although her eyelids are still fused shut, she can sense light. If you shine a flashlight at your tummy, for instance, she's likely to move away from the beam. (the website I get updates from assumes it’s a girl)

Have a great week. We are taking bets on what everyone thinks it is. (I think Geoff thinks it’s a girl – me a boy)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Nothing too wild an crazy to report. We made chocolate covered strawberries and apples, then went out for a Mexican Fiesta!

Mary Anne called to inform me that today is the annual Beggin Strips Dog Parade. It's the first time we have missed it in years! Here are some pictures from last year. It was always a fun family affair! I think Dad and Annette walked in it as many times as we did supporting their beautiful G-Dog. Maybe will will be back for it next year! (Who wants to babysit, probably not the place for a six month old:)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

13.5 weeks

We finally got around to taking some new belly pictures. I am not sure if you can see it from these, but my mid section is defiantly starting to grow. Geoff and I even took our first trip to the maternity store this week. Man they have all kinds of things that the sales lady says you have to have. We bought some pants and a shirt, oh yeah and they suckered Geoff into buying some pricey all organic hippie stretch mark prevention lotion. Over all the trip was good, I just decided that I like my current clothes a lot more than those clothes and I am going to wear them as long as possible! Oh yeah baby is the size of a peach this week!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Monday, February 2, 2009

11-12 weeks

Nothing new to report this week baby wise. We did however have a busy week full of Geoff's b-day and the Trailblazers game in Portland. Geoff loved all his gifts and we celebrated the day by going to dinner and his favorite cake. On Saturday we made the trip to Portland. We walked around and the city and met up with some friends for dinner before the game. It was my first NBA game and it was so much fun! They even had cheerleaders that I enjoyed watching! No belly shots, nothing has really changed there, but here are some pics from our weekend and superbowl.