Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Long Time

Sorry for the delay between posts!!!! Life has gotten busy! Lanie is and has been officially mobile for about 2 months, which creates tons of fun and challenges. Here she is showing off her fancy pants with her Cardinals cheer outfit on opening day.
Lanie has also been getting spoiled by Grandma Bowers taking lots of walks in one of her three fancy strollers. (Yes, you need to have three strollers, they all serve different purposes) Isn't she so cute?!

Lanie has been getting lots of daddy time and has really enjoyed hanging out with Geoff.
She is officaly 9 months old. We are still waiting on teeth, but her hair has filled in. She can even sport a little pony tail. She weighed in at 16 lbs 15 oz (20%) and 27 inches (50%) at her check up yesterday. Everything else is going great. We are enjoying being back in St. Louis and have gotten to catch up with our family and friends. We do miss our friends back in Oregon and will hopfully visit there one day. Oh last exciting note!!! Lanie will be serving as a flower girl in Ocotober 2011 in my sister's wedding!!! Congratulaitons Jen and John, I am alson honored to be a part of the big day.

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