Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Lanie is huge

Lanie is huge. The other night she tried to wear some button-up pjs that fit fine not three weeks ago. She barely got the top part over her giant head, and the legs could only hang over her diaper like a popped inner tube.

When she was born, her foot was exactly the size of a father's thumb. Now it is noticeably longer.

She is super dexterous and often sticks one or more fingers into your: eye, nose, mouth or worse, and clenches as hard as possible. This often draws a small amount of blood. The consequences of screaming out in pain and hurling the baby are too dear, so one must only laugh. This might be how being into S&M gets started. I hope not.

If she continues to develop at this rate, she will surely be able to crush us all with her dumb strength and sheer size in weeks.

Here she is diving head first off of the bed. She also seems to be into Radiohead, which is a great sign.

Thanks for your interest.

F.Y.I.-This web-log is under new management. Please stay tuned.

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