Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Ok we are officially obsessed with her!

I promised I would try to get some pictures of Lanie with her eyes open. Here is what we were able to capture. (I say we because Geoff is just as obsessed with taking pictures of Lanie as I am. Every time I download, there are always a few unexpected pictures that he has snapped of her)Here she is after a bath - she looks a little confused in this one if you ask me.
Geoff, Larry, and Lanie relaxing. (Don't worry, he is making sure Larry doesn't accidentally kick her)
Larry watching Lanie
Eyes open!

I had just put the sheets in the laundry - but it didn't stop these three from laying on the guest bed.
Larry and Geoff trying to catch an afternoon nap
Oh some of you have heard about it. Lanie has a blond streak on the back of her head. (you can kind of see it in this picture) Geoff's grandpa also had one. It will be fun to see if she keeps it.

That is all for now. Lanie went in for her 2 week check up. She is 8lbs and in the 71% for her height - gee I wonder where she is getting that from. Everything else is great and she goes back in one month for some shots.

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