Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2.5 Weeks

Lanie had been in our lives for about 2.5 weeks and already I can't imagine life without her. My mom came back for a visit this past week, and here are some of the pictures that we took.
Here is Lanie in her crib with her fish tank - she is obsessed! She will lay there and stare at it, it is so cute.

We are trying to get her to do tummy time, so far she is not a fan of it.

Just a picture of her with her eyes open. She is wearing a shirt sent by a friend.

This is us on my B-day right before we headed out to a Mexican feast! We waited 2 weeks before we really took her out in public, but the past few days she has been shopping, out to dinner, and to the grocery store. She is so good in the car and seems to sleep through most of her outings.
Here are some gifts sent by Aunt Stephanie. A sock monkey sleep sack (love it!) and a Beatles dress. Lanie can't wait to wear them.
My mom took this picture - the child is already getting pulled in two directions. Football season starts soon, I wonder who she will root for?
We made a little piece of art for her wall. She was a sport while we took her footprints.

Lanie and Geoff
Here is me at the 2 week mark after delivery! My pre-preggo jeans fit! My stomach isn't back to where I want it to be yet, but overall I am happy with my progress.

We will be in STL in a little more than 2 weeks for the wedding of the year and a visit. Can't wait to see everyone!

1 comment:

  1. You look great! It took me months to get back in to pre-prego jeans! I also love the wall art. We can't wait to meet her in September. miss you--)
