Sunday, April 26, 2009

24 Weeks

Here is me at 24 weeks. My belly continues to grow! We had a doctors appointment this week and everything went great. She cleared me to fly, so I will be on a plane to St. Louis on Tuesday!!! Next month I have the sugar test to check for diabetes, hopefully eveything comes back all clear!
Larry is sad that he is not coming home:( He will stay behind with Geoff and have a boys week.
Well - we are officially growing up. We both knew one day that we were going to have to give up the sports cars and buy something a little more practical. Well that came today. Geoff traded in his beloved prelude for a 2009 Subaru Forrester. (Yes I said Subaru - we live in the Northwest and having a Subaru is like driving a Ford or Chevy in the Midwest) We went back and forth between the Honda CRV and the Forester, but the price won out. While the car is new to us, it has 7000 miles on it, so technically it is used, saving us a pretty penny.
Here is a better shot - its a really dark grey almost black color. We think it will be perfect for baby hauling and taking Larry to the coast. As sad as it was to see the prelude go, we are both really excited about starting a new chapter in our lives, starting with a family car. Come on by and we will take you for a spin!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crib Assembly

We finally got around to putting the crib together. I have been wanting to for weeks. We didn't move the desk out of the room yet, so the space is tight, but we still squeezed it in. Here is Geoff making sure all the screws are in tight.

Larry was around for general support
Geoff checking out his handy work
Crib complete! Now we just have to pick up the mattress and find some bedding!

Monday, April 13, 2009

22 weeks and Easter

Here is me with my 22 week belly. It is getting rounder by the day:)

The baby is almost a pound and is the size of a spaghetti squash. Geoff finally got to feel her from the outside. She moves around and kicks like crazy. I am feeling good. I just started prenatal yoga, which so far is great. There are a lot of hippie all natural child birth people in the class, I am still planning on getting the drugs!
Side Shot - oh I just got 2-3 inches cut off my hair - it's still pretty long as you can see.

Geoff and I taking a picture of ourselves after we got back from our big date night. We went to Mexican, Old Navy, and Boarders (I wanted to look at fluffy girl aka maternity clothes and baby clothes) Geoff ended up buying a swim suit, I got a skirt, and baby got a ducky washcloth/hand puppet. We are a crazy couple these days!!!
My bunny cake for our Easter party. (I think it was Aunt Kay who always used to make these, I always remember hers looking so much cuter)
We dyed some eggs. One for each of us:)

Cute random picture of Larry. He was just relaxing. I have my next appointment in a week, then I will be on a plane coming to STL!!!

Monday, April 6, 2009

21 Weeks

I am half way through!!! My belly is getting huge. I am still able to mix pre-preggo clothes with maternity, but those days are getting very limited.

Here is me and Larry. I never look good in any of these pictures, we usually take them at like 11pm after the day has caused havoc on my hair and makeup, but you can get the point.

Babies new dresser. We are going to put a changing pad on top so it will double as a changing table too. I guess I am in what you call "nesting" mode. I couldn't wait for Geoff to get home when I got this piece from IKEA and I know I am not supposed to lift, so I brought it in piece by piece. Over 10 trips down to my car - keep in mind I live in an apartment. Then I put it all together before he could get home. He moved it into the room for me:)
Here is the crib, well parts of it. This is our project coming up this weekend. We have to move some furniture around to make it all fit, but I am dying to see how it all looks! We also looked at paint colors - purple of course.

Other than that our weekend was god. Geoff took an extra day off to hang out with me. We got our taxes done, thanks dad and Travis for the help. We also looked at baby mobiles- AKA SUV's. I found one that I love, (Navy Blue Honda CRV) but it is a buyers market, so I am trying to play hardball. I am coming home in about 3 weeks! Geoff is coming about a month later.