Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not a baby, not yet a toddler...

It's hard to know for sure when it happened, but Lanie has cast off the shackles of gravity and babyhood and become a little girl. The change seemed to come overnight.

She whines, laughs and plays like a real human. She has a favorite toy (a ragdoll with a delicious smelling head), a favorite food (banana, which she greedily stuffs into her face several times a day), and a newly developed, "what are you going to do about it?" look that can normally be seen after a big drink of dog water or the introduction of a choking hazard into the mouth .
Bathtime. If you miss it now, don't worry, there will be a second screening on her 16th birthday.
Lanie's ultra dextrous fingers are now strong enough to open just about anything that opens. Make-up cases, cell phones, musical instruments, eyelids, questing-hounds, devil-cats and many others have suffered her wrath to varying degrees. I personally find that I no longer even mentally register a face-claw unless it draws blood. It often does.

Here is a portion of a nap. The flowing hair is reminiscent of Easy Rider era Jack Nicholson. So handsome.

1 comment:

  1. we miss her already, Jackson and Mckinley had a great time playing with her.
