Friday, July 30, 2010

Dance Fever

From the time she learned to stand, Lanie has been unable to stop herselself from dancing when she hears music. Eveything from Coltrane to the obnoxious ditties on the radio seem to make her move.

Here she can be seen composing some music on the keyboard before activating the built in demo song. It's almost as if she only has a second or two to brace herself before she is completely overtaken by the funk. It's amazing that our brains are born knowing how to groove, but take several years to gain the control necessary not to poop ourselves. I'm in awe.

The oppresive heat has kept us largely indoors for the past couple of weeks, but we did find time recently to take a swim.

It's hard to believe that our little beauty is almost one! She continues to get better every day, and life without her is a distant memory. We're very proud of the progress she makes on a daily basis. We can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Not a baby, not yet a toddler...

It's hard to know for sure when it happened, but Lanie has cast off the shackles of gravity and babyhood and become a little girl. The change seemed to come overnight.

She whines, laughs and plays like a real human. She has a favorite toy (a ragdoll with a delicious smelling head), a favorite food (banana, which she greedily stuffs into her face several times a day), and a newly developed, "what are you going to do about it?" look that can normally be seen after a big drink of dog water or the introduction of a choking hazard into the mouth .
Bathtime. If you miss it now, don't worry, there will be a second screening on her 16th birthday.
Lanie's ultra dextrous fingers are now strong enough to open just about anything that opens. Make-up cases, cell phones, musical instruments, eyelids, questing-hounds, devil-cats and many others have suffered her wrath to varying degrees. I personally find that I no longer even mentally register a face-claw unless it draws blood. It often does.

Here is a portion of a nap. The flowing hair is reminiscent of Easy Rider era Jack Nicholson. So handsome.