Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A STL wedding and visit!

I have a new sister! Yep that's right, Geoff's younger brother tied the knot and I gained a wonderful new sister in-law, Kim. Now we have 2 Kim Bowers! Here is a picture of the Bride and Groom. They had a wonderful day and a beautiful wedding, it was great witness such a special event and I wish them all the happiness in the world.

Robin and I also decided we needed a new picture - don't we look lovelyWhile we were home, we also showed Lanie off to all the family and friends. Here are a few pictures from the week. Lanie with Grandpa Geno!
Lanie with my sorority sisters. Also one week old baby Olivia - so cute.

Lanie with her cousins, Jackson and Mckinley. (They all got matching Turkey headbands)
Here is Lanie on a plane - she was perfect the whole time.
Here Lanie is showing how strong her neck is getting. She is also so much more alert!
Learning to smile.
Lanie with her Crazy Aunts and Uncles at the rehearsal dinner.
Spending a lazy day sleeping on Grandpa Bowers
All dresses up for the pre-wedding festivities

There are millions more pictures I took, so I will add them in the next few weeks. We are back home in Oregon now enjoying a visit from Grandma Bowers. A few more weeks and I am back to work!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Lanie Firsts

Lanie is 4 weeks old today!

Every day Lanie is doing something new. I am trying to document is as we go along, so here are some shots I got of her in the past week.Lanie got to try out bottles this past week. Geoff and her are learning together and are doing a really good job.

Lanie has taken a few rides in the Bejorn and my Peanut Shell sling. She seems to like them. (This is the only way I have figured out how to take Larry out for a walk when we are home during the day)
She found a pacifier she likes:) (I bought all the brands, and the plain ugly one is the one she likes- go figure)
We took a family walk and Lanie rode in her stroller - Larry led the way. She has also been to baby connections, a candle party, watched a football game - what a busy girl! She has another big first coming up - a plane ride! I think I am more worried about how it will go than she is.

When you get to meet Lanie, you will see her cute sleeping poses. She always has her hands up by her head and it looks so cute. Yesterday I took this picture of Larry - I think now I know where Lanie is learning her poses from.

This is just a really cute picture so I had to post it.Another one I like.

Leaving on a jet plane in 5 days! See you all soon!