Monday, January 26, 2009

11 Weeks

Today we went to the doctor and heard the heartbeat! Geoff and I were shocked to hear it so clearly and it was beating so fast! So I guess I am officially pregnant! We go back in a month for another checkup. We didn't take a picture yet this week, but will on Wednesday for Geoff's birthday.

10 Weeks

I am starting to feel a lot better here. So good I am convinced something is wrong. I called the nurses line and they just said be happy you feel good. I have a doctors appointment next week! Larry says hello to everyone.

9 Weeks

I'm not showing yet - even though I decided this shirt is not very flattering. This week I felt pretty much nauseous every few hours. I am as hungry and tired as I have ever felt, but I'm sure it has somthing to do with all that is going on inside.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Telling the family

We wanted to tell everyone the same day, but wanted to do it as clever as possible since we couldn't share the news in person. Geoff's parents were on vacation when we found out (New Years Eve) so we had some time to think about how to pull it off. Naturally we knew Larry had to be involved. He is our #1 hound and has been involved in so much of Geoff and Is life. He even was a part of the proposal!

We had tons of ideas, but Larry cooperating would determine what we could pull off. Here is what we ended up sending our family. Every one's reactions were priceless. From confused, to screaming (Sara), crying, and silence, it was something we will never forget. Larry did great even though we had to take about 80 pictures to get these few.

It's positive

Since our family is so far away, we will be posting weekly belly shots so you can see baby grow. Here is one from the night we found out! Notice the vertical line that only appears if you have a positive test is very dark.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Exciting News!

It's offical, we are going to have a baby! The little babino will arrive around August 15th. Keep updated by following our posts and read our adventures as we become first time parents!